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A Reconciling in Christ Congregation

Saint Mark Lutheran Church

What is the Saint Mark Lutheran Church Endowment fund?

The Saint Mark Endowment Fund provides a way for members and friends of the congregation to make lasting gifts that will support the church’s mission and ministry both now and in the future. The Endowment Fund is a Trust that manages gifts and bequests to the church in accordance with the provisions of the Trust. The fund is managed by investment professionals and monitored by both the Endowment committee and the Finance Committee.

Income from investments is used exclusively for the support of community needs. The Endowment fund proceeds do not provide for regular operational expenses of Saint Mark Church. Those expenses are funded by the Church budget. Community organizations request funds from Endowment. The requests are received by application. These requests are reviewed by the committee and recommended to the Church Council for final approval of funding.

What Gifts May Be Given?

The Saint Mark family and other donors are encouraged to support the Endowment Fund and its mission in the community by contributions in a variety of ways.

  • Cash, Securities, Real estate, Annuities, trusts and wills.

With consideration of these gifts, speak with your attorney and financial advisor.

What Your Gifts Can Do

The Endowment committee makes every effort to ensure that the funds are received by organizations that align with the Lutheran church’s ministry and mission. The focus has been on groups that focus on children and families and the homeless in Salem and the wider community, including international disaster relief.

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You can make a difference in the mission and ministry of Saint Mark Church now and in the future.

For further information please call 503 588-0141.


“You will be enriched in every way for your generosity which will provide thanksgiving to God through us”

2 Corinthians 9:11