All are welcome!

A Reconciling in Christ Congregation

Saint Mark Lutheran Church

CDC Feasibility Committee

Gretchen Flesher Moon, chairperson

Our Child Development Center is CLOSED as of December 10, 2021.

As of February 1, 2023 a CDC Feasibility Committee has been organized.  This committee is authorized by the Church Council to investigate the feasibility of re-establishing our day care.

The St. Mark Child Development Center (CDC) Committee served as a liaison between the Child Development Center and the Church Council.  The committee consisted of the CDC Director, a member of the church staff, a Church Council representative, and other members of the congregation interested in early childhood care and education.  The committee met quarterly, or as necessary.   They reviewed and presented a budget to the Council, evaluated staff salaries & benefits as well as tuition.

Education Committee

Larissa Dozier,  Chairperson

The purpose of the Education Committee is to coordinate and encourage activities and communications which promote the spiritual life and growth of the Saint Mark community, enabling its members, either individually or through organized programs, to carry the Gospel of Christ to others.   Larissa Dozier is the current Chairperson / Sunday Church School Superintendent. All children, both members and non-members, are welcome to join us.

Endowment Committee

Judy Boyd, Chairperson

The Saint Mark Lutheran Church Endowment Fund is a Trust that manages gifts and bequests to the church in accordance with the Trust provisions. The income from investments is used exclusively for the support of religious, education and charitable purposes. The Trust does not provide for the funding of the regular operational expenses of Saint Mark Lutheran Church but to further the mission of the church.

Throughout the ages, faithful disciples have given testament to their belief in the Grace of our Risen Lord through gifts of art, music, writing, architecture, and more. Just as we have received from those who lived before us, we have the power to affect those yet to come. Saint Mark has a strong history of dedicated men and women of faith who have given generously of themselves to Christ’s ministry in this place.

Finance Committee

John Anderson, Chairperson

Having recently been restructured, the Committee’s purpose is to assist Saint Mark’s Business Administrator and Church Council in forming and administering financial policy in keeping with Saint Mark’s mission and ministry.  Areas of concern include records of contributions and income, systems of receipts and expenditures, maintenance of general ledgers and funds, the budget process, and regular systems review and audit.

Justice and Reconciliation Committee

Gretchen Flesher Moon, chairperson

Christ has entrusted us with the ministry of reconciliation – to identify and give voice to the brokenness inherent in human, to do the painful work of hearing the historical and current results of marginalization, fear, injustice, and brokenness in the world, and to consider actions and attitudes that will lead to wholeness. In this process, we will experience and witness to the sacred creation of trust and relationship, and the ability to recognize the image of God in others, neither erasing the differences nor allowing them to be insurmountable barriers between us.

This committee seeks to understand

  • the ways that various groups of God’s beloved children are marginalized and treated unjustly, both historically and in the present
  • the effects of marginalization and injustice on them
  • the role of the church as a body in participating in marginalization and injustice;

to identify opportunities to educate ourselves and others at Saint Mark about

  • Biblical calls to justice, especially for those who suffer injustice because of their membership in marginalized groups
  • current, especially local, efforts to redress historic and present injustice;

and to share what we learn with the congregation through bulletin boards, forums, comments in the Marker, shared books and other readings, special liturgies, and other means that present themselves.

Members and friends of St Mark are invited to participate in the Committee or to take advantage of programs and events organized by the Committee.

Library Committee (Education)

Joanne Sandhu , Chairperson

The Library Committee is a part of the Education Committee.  During the coming year the Library would like to add titles to supplement the Sunday Church School materials, provide additional titles for other young children of the congregation, materials for adults, especially those mentioned in sermons and adult programming.  In addition new display materials and periodical storage would add to the accessibility of library materials for users.  Catching up on the processing of donated materials so that they are ready to circulate is also a goal.    The Library Committee is charged with maintaining and promoting the library collection and space.  Help with checking in and shelving materials, writing reviews for The Marker, repairing books and preparing new books for use is always appreciated.  Help with the Book Fair in terms of setting up the display, handling sales, and repacking are also helpful

Lutheran Fine Art

The Lutheran Fine Art Center is dedicated to the enhancement of the worship service and worship space through the arts.  In this capacity we maintain two libraries:  a collection of two and three-dimensional art and a collection of music folios.  Materials in our libraries are available without charge to all Christian denominations within a 50 to 100 mile radius.  In addition to the libraries, we sponsor performances and workshops in art, music, and drama.  When appropriate we offer scholarships for the study in the arts.  We are funded by three anonymous donors.


Chairperson – Committee members rotate leading quarterly meetings.


Property Committee

David Painter & Brent Morace,  Co-Chairpersons

The Property Committee is responsible for the maintenance of the building and grounds of Saint Mark.  This includes repairs, replacement, improvement of the facilities and new projects as they arise.  We are fortunate to have several knowledgeable and talented committee members who do much of the maintenance work on a volunteer basis, thus saving many dollars each year.  For some projects we ask for volunteers from the congregation.  Larger items are put out for bid and must be approved by the Church Council and/or the Congregation.  Every year there are seasonal events: The Spring cleanup before Easter includes washing windows, dusting, polishing pews, and knocking down cobwebs. This is a time for a general cleanup of the grounds. Several leaf-raking parties are held in the Fall.

Social Ministry Committee

Chairperson – Committee members rotate leading monthly meetings.

The Social Ministry Committee addresses immediate needs in our community by providing food, clothing, shelter, and more through the  Habitat for Humanity, HOME (homeless teens in Salem), Marion-Polk Food Share, Trees of Giving (Christmas gifts for needy children), and Family Promise.   The Committee supports Lutheran World Relief through various programs.  We are also called to address the root causes of issues by questioning why problems exist and acting to care for creation and to further peace with justice.  We are are a Reconciling in Christ congregation.  We welcome and encourage all to explore an aspect of social ministry as a way to live our faith. Please join us.

Gratitude! / Stewardship

Joanne Sandhu, Chairperson

Gratitude! Ministry at Saint Mark recognizes the joy of knowing the grace of God daily in our lives through the deliberate naming of our gratitude.  When, as individuals and as a community of faith, we become intimate with our daily sense of gratefulness, our mindset, our attitude, and our lives change. We are healthier, happier people. Our thinking, our perspective, and our actions reflect greater generosity and love. We choose to give of ourselves, our passions and gifts, our time, and our financial resources with joy! We aren’t grateful because we are happy; we are happy because we are grateful.

Worship And Music Committee

Bonnie Hiller Fullerton, Chairperson

According to the Saint Mark Bylaws, the “Committee on Worship and Music … shall assist the church council in seeing that the services of God’s house are conducted regularly and in accordance with the liturgy of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), and that hymnals and other devotional materials are provided and properly cared for.  This committee shall supervise, and strive to advance the welfare and effective service of, the choirs of the congregation.  It shall arrange for the care of paraments, vestments and musical instruments and, in consultation with the pastor, the organist and the choir directors, shall furnish music supplies appropriate for use in the worship of a congregation of the ELCA.”    In carrying out these responsibilities, the Committee on Worship and Music involves itself in overall policy regarding worship-related services and events conducted at Saint Mark and music of the organists and choirs.  It oversees the provision and training of assisting ministers, worship assistants, lectors, ushers, acolytes, greeters, and others who contribute to the worship life of congregation.   As the opportunity arises, the Committee assists and promotes the involvement of Saint Mark choirs and musicians in worship or music-related events with other congregations.

Youth Committee (Education)

The Youth Committee, now a part of the Education Committee, provides direction and support to the staff as they minister to the youth of our congregation and their friends.  The committee strives to provide opportunities for youth to grow in their faith, to learn to serve others, and to have fun. A full program of monthly activities is planned. High School youth, both members and non-members, are encouraged to participate.