We are glad you and your family are here, and hope your experience is a blessing for you. Your children are always welcome to participate in worship.
Welcome to Worship with Saint Mark
During the Service
Most worship services include an opportunity for children to go forward for a children’s message. The Pastor will invite children up and will share a simple message of God’s love with them prior to the sermon.
During the service, there are activity bags hanging on a tree behind the last pew. These bags contain a variety of books for young children, as well as coloring and activity pages.
Next to the tree is a lending table of books. This selection of books for slightly older children is available for use during the service. (If your child is interested in other books for check-out, the library is located upstairs in the education wing, Room 201.) A “treasure map” of symbols and signs (left), a weekly activity page, and a stained glass coloring book are also available. Ushers have these available upon request.
Immediately following the children’s sermon, children 6 months through 3 years may accompany two volunteers to room 202. All volunteers who work with children at Saint Mark have cleared a background check. During the sermon and prayers, these children may play together until it is time for communion.
There is a nursing and change area located in the balcony. As you enter the balcony, you will notice a glass partition toward the back. In this area you are able to hear the service while comforting your child.
Holy Communion
Saint Mark has an open table practice for Holy Communion: all are welcome. If you would like your child to receive a blessing only, simply indicate that to the server during the communion time. Other instructions will be given during the liturgy.
School Year Opportunities for Children
During the school year, options for children during the 9:45–10:45am Education Hour are offered by age.
- 3-5 years — Godly Play is offered in the balcony of the sanctuary
- K–2nd Grades – Meet in Room 110
- 3rd-5th Grades – Meet in Room 110
- Middle School – Meet in Room 104
- High School – Discussions are held in the Youth Room located downstairs from the office
Baby/Toddler Room
Additionally, Room 202 in the educational wing is open for a parent to take their baby/toddler to be with others of the same age. This room is equipped with toys and games, and used during the week by the Saint Mark Child Development Center.