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A Reconciling in Christ Congregation

Saint Mark Lutheran Church

Author Archive

Retirement Celebration for Monty Freeman on February 23rd

Posted on: February 7th, 2014 by Peter Hoelter No Comments

montyWe are about to help Monty celebrate his retirement! Saint Markers are encouraged to mark Sunday, February 23rd (postposed from Feb. 7th due to snowy conditions) after the 11 o’clock service for a reception in Monty Freeman’s honor. The Church Council will be hosting this event to thank Monty for his 24 years at Saint Mark and to celebrate his retirement. On this note, Saint Mark will be collecting funds to present Monty with a monetary gift from Saint Mark. If you wish to donate to the fund, please send a check with “Monty” on the memo line. Please be sure to have your contribution to the church office by Friday, February 21st. A final check will be presented to him at the reception. We will miss Monty’s work, his wonderful humor and his dedication to Saint Mark but at the same time we wish him much happiness in retirement!

Souper Bowl Results

Posted on: February 6th, 2014 by Peter Hoelter No Comments

Souper_Bowl_of_Caring_Logo_with_Web_AddressApparently Saint Mark is pretty good at predicting the outcome of the Super Bowl. The Seahawks won in both the donation collection and the Big Game. But the real winners are the Marion-Polk Food Share (76 pounds of canned food) and Backpack Buddies ($184.78). The breakdown was: Broncos (23 pounds of canned food and $60) and Seahawks (53 pounds of food and $124.78). Thanks for all the great support. Saint Mark has been involved in the Souper Bowl of Giving in the past so it was great to resurrect this tradition.

Go to to learn more about Saint Mark’s history with the Souper Bowl and efforts from around the country.

Adventfest and Organ Concert

Posted on: December 9th, 2013 by Peter Hoelter No Comments

The traditional meatball Adventfest dinner will be held on Friday, December 20th, at 5:00 p.m.. The Advent Organ Concert will follow at 7:00 p.m. Plan now to attend and get your ticket early since this Concert!

The cost of the dinner will be $5 for adults and $3 for children ages 3-10. This includes meatballs, potatoes, rolls and beverage.

Tickets will be sold after Sunday services in the west narthex or in the church office during the week. Please sign up to help on sheets in the west narthex. Thank you!

Saint Mark Carols!

Posted on: December 7th, 2013 by Peter Hoelter No Comments

Join the youth group on Sunday, Dec. 8, in bringing holiday cheer to members of the St. Mark family. Meet at church at 3 p.m. and ride the church bus to go caroling; meet back at church afterwards for Christmas cookies and hot cocoa. All ages welcome!

Join Us for Thanksgiving Eve Events at Saint Mark

Posted on: November 25th, 2013 by Peter Hoelter No Comments

thanksgivingThere are a number of events for all to participate in on Thanksgiving Eve—November 27th.

At 6:30pm, come help with preparing food bags with the Backpack Buddies program. If you have been looking for an opportunity to help pack lunches for our Backpack Buddies at Hoover Elementary now is your chance!

At 7:00pm, the Thanksgiving Eve Service begins, followed by a Pie Social. Saint Mark Connections will help sponsor a Thanksgiving Pie Social following the Thanksgiving Eve service. Please plan to attend and bring a pie to share!

All are welcome.

Coming Out as a Person of Faith exhibit comes to Saint Mark

Posted on: October 13th, 2013 by Peter Hoelter No Comments

Coming Out as a Person of Faith is a multimedia project that reveals the experiences, stories and perspective of clergy, parents of gay and lesbian children and couples who support the Freedom to Marry because of their faith. It is an invitation into the conversation about why marriage matters for all people.

The exhibit makes its first visit to Salem on Saturday, Oct. 19 at Saint Mark Lutheran Church — join the conversation!

WHAT: Coming Out as a Person of Faith exhibit
WHERE: Saint Mark Lutheran Church, 790 Marion Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97301 (Corner of Marion and Winter near Downtown Salem)
WHEN: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 19 and during a forum, 9:45-10:45 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 20.