Hoover Elementary is a school community rich in culture and diversity. 80% of our families come from Hispanic backgrounds and nearly 70% of our students hear and speak another language at home. Hoover families are hardworking and involved; our parent nights fill the school with generations of Hoover families. Our 532 students come from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences and we strive to provide the best learning opportunities anywhere.
While we celebrate our rich culture and diversity, Hoover families live in the highest poverty levels in the district. More than 95% of our families live below the poverty level, which means our students face enormous challenges daily, such as crime, violence, and hunger. For some, Hoover is the first public school experience in their family, or we are one stop among many for a student throughout the year. Sixty-four students are migrant and 13 are homeless, yet, these are students poised to beat the odds. At school, we are able to feed them breakfast, lunch and snack, however when students return home, many find empty cupboards and don’t know when their next meal will be.
While these challenges are prevalent in their lives, a visit to Hoover will allow one to see them simply as “kids” and showcase their resilience.
— Jason Weaver, Principal; Hoover Elementary