Please join us as First Congregational, Christ the Good Shepherd, Holy Cross, and Saint Mark come together to offer Day Camp staffed by enthusiastic counselors from Camp Lutherwood.
Designed for kids entering 1st – 6th grade, the kids will participate in bible adventure stories, creative arts, games, and creation awareness led by highly trained college‐age Camp Lutherwood staff. We will also be collecting books to donate to kids who are part of the Backpack Buddies program.
Plan to arrive at Saint Mark Lutheran Church (790 Marion St NE), back doors off the parking lot, by 8:50 am on Monday, July 1, to sign in. Please do NOT “drop off” your child in the parking lot. All parents/guardians MUST COME INTO THE BUILDING to sign in their child each day.
We look forward to sharing an exciting week with your child.
- Monday – Called to be me
- Tuesday – Called to love and serve
- Wednesday – Called to live boldly
Everyone is invited to an Ice Cream Social on Tuesday night at 6:30 pm to share the excitement from the week with our families.
Turn in your registration form or call the church office (503‐588‐0141) to reserve your spot.
Day Camp Information Sheet (pdf)
Day Camp Registration Form (pdf)
What to bring to day camp:
- Completed registration form and behavior agreement
- A labeled bag lunch. Morning and afternoon snacks will be provided.
- Shoes appropriate for safely playing running games. No flip flops or sandals that kick off.
- New or gently used books for elementary‐aged kids for donation to the Backpack Buddies program.
Contact the Day Camp Coordinator: Jennifer Morace, 503.363.3920,