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A Reconciling in Christ Congregation

Saint Mark Lutheran Church

Author Archive

Eighth Annual Women’s Retreat

Posted on: February 23rd, 2015 by Peter Hoelter No Comments

front viewMake your reservations now to attend our annual Women’s Retreat to be held April 17-19, 2015 in Lincoln City.  You could be one of 20 women to gather for a weekend of fun, good food, and reflection around the topic of “Wise Women.” Deaconess Deb Mantey will facilitate our Friday evening through Sunday noon retreat. Registration fee of $150 is due to the church office by April 12th, and includes all housing, food, and transportation. The brochure is available at the church office, or can be downloaded here.  Space is limited, so don’t wait too long to register!

Women’s Retreat Brochure »

Connect 7 is Back!

Posted on: January 15th, 2015 by Peter Hoelter No Comments

After the past two years of Connect 7 and Dinner for 7, we’re back with another round of Connect 7. If you’d like to host, please sign up for a hosting slot in the west narthex and choose an activity you’d like to plan. For hosts, the activity you plan might be dinner or you could plan a hike, a meeting for coffee, a board game night, whatever fun fellowship activity you can dream up. If you want to be a guest, sign up to attend on the same poster board. The goal is to meet new people so try to join a group with members you might not know well.

Sign up closes on Feb. 1. Questions? E-mail Rob Owen at

June 8th is Pentecost, and We are All Fired Up!

Posted on: June 3rd, 2014 by Peter Hoelter No Comments

flameAfter the 9:30 service on Pentecost, plan to stick around for the fun! We will have our own : see renovations to the Library, find out where the Youth Room and Child Development Center classrooms are, check out where LWR quilt and Backpack Buddies ministries happen!

Meanwhile, there will be a supervised play group for the children, a Ping Pong tourney, knitting and various other groups gathering (watch for more details). At 11:30 a.m., we’ll gather in the fellowship hall, for a chili cook-off. Taste, and vote for, best, hottest, most flavorful, etc.! If you have a recipe you’ve been waiting to try, Pentecost is the time to get “All Fired Up!” (You can add to the fun by wearing RED!)

Lenten Worship at Saint Mark

Posted on: March 10th, 2014 by Peter Hoelter No Comments

ashesDuring Lent Saint Mark will worship on Wednesdays (March 12th, 19th, 26th, April 2nd, 9th) with Worship at 12:05pm (Service of the Word). An evening service will start at 6:30 p.m. (Holden Evening Prayer).

The Labyrinth will be available from 9:00 am to 6:30 pm on Wednesdays during Lent for meditation.

Women’s Retreat in Lincoln City

Posted on: February 20th, 2014 by Peter Hoelter No Comments

womens_retreat_2013The seventh annual St. Mark Women’s Retreat will be held April 4-6 in Lincoln City.  Our theme. “This, Too, is Gift” is inspired by a short poem by Mary Oliver – “Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.”   We will explore the Lenten journey through Bible study, poetry, film, reflection and prayer with plenty of time to wander along the beach, make new friends, and enjoy some amazing food!  Registration fee of $150 is due March 30th, and includes all housing, food, and transportation.  Make plans for this special weekend where we take some time away from the rush of our daily lives to listen to the Spirit’s voice.

Download the retreat brochure »

Valentine’s Organ Concert: The Love of God

Posted on: February 10th, 2014 by Peter Hoelter No Comments

Organ Saint Mark Lutheran’s longtime organist, Tim Bibelheimer, will perform a free Valentine’s concert titled “The Love of God” at 7 p.m. Friday, February 14, 2014, in the church, 790 Marion St. NE in downtown Salem. It will feature traditional and contemporary gospel music in the style of a mighty Wurlitzer theater organ as well as solos, readings and singalongs. Soprano Judith Linder, the choir director, and narrator Deb Mantey, the outreach coordinator, also will appear. Church office: 503-588-0141.