The Organ of Saint Mark
The first pipe organ of Saint Mark Lutheran church was a 1913 Emmons Howard tracker instrument, originally built for the First Presbyterian church in Salem. The organ builder Balcom and Vaughn made substantial changes to the organ, enlarging it to three manuals in 1951. In 1981, the pipe organ was replaced with a new pipe organ of American Classic design by the Schantz Organ Company. The pipe organ was a large two manual instrument of 38-ranks. In 1999 the Schantz Organ Company completed a significant enlargement project, including re-voicing the Great division, a new 3-manual console, Choir and Antiphonal divisions, with a total of 57-ranks. In 2009, organ builder Lanny Hochhalter was commissioned to design and install the Herald Trumpet set of pipes, to be included in the Antiphonal division on the gallery rail. The pipe organ is now 58-ranks/5 divisions.
- Schantz Pipe Organ 1981/1999/Hochhalter 2009-58 ranks, 3 manuals,
5 divisions - Walnut drawknob console, bone/rosewood keyboards, 99 levels of memory
Great Division(unenclosed)
- 16 Gemshorn
- 8 Principal
- 8 Gemshorn
- 8 Holzgedeckt
- 4 Octave
- 4 Spillflote
- 2 2/3 Quinte
- 2 Super Octave
- IV Fourniture
- 8 Festival Trumpet
- 8 Krummhorn
- 4 Schalmei
- Chimes
- Tower Bells
- Great to Great 16
- Unison Off
- Great to Great 4
Swell Division(enclosed)
- 8 Rohrflote
- 8 Viole
- 8 Viole Celeste
- 4 Octave
- 4 Harmonic Flute
- 2 2/3 Nazard
- 2 Blockflote
- 1 3/5 Tierce
- IV Plein Jue
- 16 Contre Trompette
- 8 Trompette
- 8 Hautbois
- 4 Clarion
- Tremulant
- Swell to Swell 16
- Unison Off
- Swell to Swell 4
Antiphonal Division(unenclosed, floating)
- 8 Koppelflote
- 4 Nachthorn
- 2 Gemshorn
- 8 Herald Trumpet
- 16 Herald Trumpet
- Tremulant
- Antiphonal on Great, Swell, Choir
Choir Division(enclosed)
- 8 Principal
- 8 Gedeckt
- 8 Dolce
- 8 Dolce Celeste
- 4 Octave
- 4 Spitzflote
- 2 Principal
- 2 2/3 Twelfth
- 1 1/3 Larigot
- 1 3/5 Seventeenth
- III Scharf
- 8 Trumpet
- 16 Festival Trumpet
- 8 Festival Trumpet
- Tremulant
- Zimbelstern
- Choir to Choir 16
- Unison Off
- Choir to Choir 4
Pedal Division(unenclosed)
- 32 Contre Bourdon
- 32 Resultant
- 16 Principal
- 16 Subbass
- 16 Gemshorn
- 8 Octave
- 8 Gemshorn
- 8 Bourdon
- 4 Choralbass
- 4 Bourdon
- III Mixture
- 32 Contre Bombarde
- 32 Grand Cornet
- 16 Contre Bombarde
- 16 Contre Trompette
- 8 Bombarde
- 8 Trumpet
- 4 Bombarde
- 4 Krummhorn
- 8 Festival Trumpet