September 17 – 19, 2010
Rev. Stephen Bouman is Executive Director for Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission (EOCM) for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). He served as Bishop of the Metropolitan New York Synod during the 9/11 attacks in 2001. As a direct result of this experiece, he has written two books: They Are Us: Lutherans and Immigration and Grace All Around Us: Embracing God’s Promise in Tragedy and Loss. His increased sensitivity to tragic loss and human displacement drives his vision for the modern church.
The Division of Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission brings together ELCA churchwide ministries that support congregations in their call to be faithful, welcoming, and generous. It assists congregations, synods, and institutions and agencies of this church to grow in evangelical outreach. Among its responsibilities are supporting discipleship, stewardship, and lifelong learning; increasing awareness about the centrality of prayer; starting and renewing congregations; and implementing the ELCA evangelism strategy and pertinent portions of all ethnic-specific strategies.
As Saint Mark’s visiting theologian this year, Dr. Bouman will help us explore the ideas of Christian responsibility surrounding the immigration issue on Friday evening at 7 P.M. On Saturday morning at 10 A.M., he will address the missions and challenges of the modern church. On Sunday he will preach during the 9:30A.M. worship service and teach in the adult forum to follow.
The public is invited to all events.
A few articles by Dr. Bouman:
- Welcome to the long mourners’ bench
‘Let the pictures we have seen of the poor and vulnerable left behind, left to fend for themselves be seared into our souls so our arms are linked with them around the world’ - Reflections on remembering
Music marks the services of Sept. 11 weekend - Lament
Our ‘ground zeroes’ need voice - After Amadou
How much is life worth anyway? - She invites thieves to church
N.J., N.Y. congregations open doors amid crime and graffiti
To explore immigration issues further, check out the videos developed by Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services or visit their website. Explore the work of the Division of Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission of the ELCA, see their website.