Saint Mark Lutheran Church Visiting Theologian progam welcomes Dr. Mark Allan Powell for a weekend of discussion and learning.
Event Information
September 28th, 29th, & 30th, 2012
All events are free and open to the public.
Saint Mark Lutheran Church
790 Marion Street NE
Salem, Oregon 97301
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Visiting Theologian 2012 — Dr. Mark Allan Powell (pdf)
All events are open to the public — All are welcome!
7:30PM | Kick-off Lecture: A Living Word: Why the Bible Means Different Things to Different People |
10:00AM | Gathering & Refreshments |
10:30AM | Morning Keynote: Faithful Living & Joyful Giving: Surprisingly Good News About “Stewardship” |
NOON | Lunch |
1:30PM | Afternoon Program |
9:30AM | Homilist at Sunday Worship One worship service this Sunday at Saint Mark |
Presentation Topics:
A Living Word: Why the Bible Means Different Things to Different People
All Christians say the Bible is the word of God—but they often understand the message of the Bible differently. Prof. Mark Allan Powell will share with us the different ways that well-known Bible stories are understood in various countries, and will reflect on what this tells us about how we (and other people) understand the Bible. We can almost guarantee that you will learn some things about stories that you have never thought of before—and you will be left to consider possibilities for those stories to take on new meaning you might have otherwise missed.
Faithful Living & Joyful Giving: Surprisingly Good News About “Stewardship”
What the Bible actually teaches about stewardship— time, talents, and treasures—is surprisingly good news! With good humor and a high degree of self-disclosure, Bible scholar Mark Allan Powell traces his journey from being a notoriously bad steward who hated the church’s annual “fund-drives” to discovering the biblical pathway “from duty to delight.” As presented in the Bible, stewardship is not just about fund-raising: it is a way of life—and for many of us, it just might be the way to a better life!
About Dr. Mark Allan Powell
Dr. Mark Allan Powell is Professor of New Testament at Trinity Lutheran Seminary and an internationally known biblical scholar. He is editor of the HarperCollins Bible Dictionary and author of more than 25 books on the Bible and religion, including the widely used textbook, Reading the New Testament (Baker Academic). He has also written in the areas of spiritual formation (Loving Jesus), stewardship (Giving To God), and homiletics (What Do They Hear?: Bridging the Gap between Pulpit and Pew). Powell’s DVDs How Lutherans Understand the Bible have received widespread use throughout the ELCA and were excerpted for inclusion in the Lutheran Study Bible (Augsburg Fortress).